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Re: Hitachi djprobe mechanism


2005/7/28, Karim Yaghmour <>:
> Karim Yaghmour wrote:
> >From the article's text:
> > "The springboard approach requires chunks of scratch space (collectively,
> > the springboard heap) to be conveniently sprinkled throughout the kernel,
> > so that every kernel instruction can reach some chunk when using one of
> > the suitable instructions ..."
> Also, there's this bit I missed from the figure the text refers to as
> containing the list of instructions that can be used for various architectures
> (figure 4.6):
> "None of the architectures has an ideal splicing instruction; either
> displacement is insufficient (RISC architectures), or there is no
> guarantee that only a single instruction is overwritten when splicing (x86)."
> To the best of my understanding, the latter seems to imply that springboards
> have the very same limitations mentioned earlier for djprobe.

I think so. the size of smallest jmp instruction is 2 bytes on i386,
but the smallest instruction is 1byte on i386 (ex. pushl %esi).
I will try to add safety check routine in sched() and do_IRQ().

Masami Hiramatsu

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