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cost of kprobe and jprobe operations

I did some experiments this morning to get an idea of the cost of kprobe and jprobe operations. The attached gzipped tarball has the simple module that was used to get some measurements. It does a couple millions jprobes and kprobes. The module was made with:

make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd` modules

Insert and remove the module (measurements happen when module is removed):

/sbin/insmod kprobe-timing.ko
/sbin/rmmod kprobe-timing

look at /var/log/messages to get the amount of time spent doing the repeated calls. divide the number of cycles by count. This overhead includes the loop overhead. I ran this on a couple of machines.

cycles per iteration
	AMD Athlon 1.7GH	Pentium III 860MHz
kprobe	1686	(0.99 microsec)	816	(0.95 microsec)
jprobe	1395	(0.82 microsec)	1382	(1.61 microsec)

On the Pentium III machine I was also able to get some profiling data with oprofile. I probably should have done them as separate microbenchmarks so know which things are jprobe and which are kprobe.

$ sudo opcontrol --reset
$ sudo /sbin/insmod kprobe-timing.ko
$ sudo opcontrol --start
$ sudo /sbin/rmmod kprobe-timing
$ sudo opcontrol --shutdown
$ opreport --long-filenames /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/2.6.10-1.1149_FC4smp/vmlinux -l
CPU: PIII, speed 861.246 MHz (estimated)
Counted DATA_MEM_REFS events (all memory references, cachable and non) with a unit mask of 0x00 (No unit mask) count 1000000
samples % symbol name
156 11.2069 memcpy
142 10.2011 restore_all
127 9.1236 _spin_lock
119 8.5489 kprobe_handler
110 7.9023 do_debug
105 7.5431 kprobe_exceptions_notify
93 6.6810 setjmp_pre_handler
90 6.4655 longjmp_break_handler
77 5.5316 __module_text_address
58 4.1667 resume_execution
51 3.6638 _spin_unlock
43 3.0891 notifier_call_chain
39 2.8017 int3
37 2.6580 get_kprobe
26 1.8678 do_int3
22 1.5805 debug_stack_correct
17 1.2213 debug
12 0.8621 _spin_lock_irqsave
9 0.6466 lock_kprobes
4 0.2874 _spin_unlock_irqrestore
4 0.2874 poison_obj
4 0.2874 unlock_kprobes


Attachment: timing_kprobe.tar.gz
Description: Unix tar archive

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