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Re: Sid verbose trace reveals missing sid-control-tksm component - again


> The config.log file should explain more about this problem.
I wasn't able to figure out what the problem is from this log-file.
> Another possibility is to remove the tcl & tk subdirectories
> from the sid tree (by renaming temporarily) to see if the
> system tcl libraries are deemed suitable.
to test this i made:
make distclean on /sid/component/tcl folder an then i repeted the process:

% make all install

... still compiling... and it will be so for a long time.. :(
but in the meanwhile i found this:
dnl allow user to set this:
AC_ARG_WITH(tcl-lib,      [  --with-tcl-lib=FLAG     add FLAG to LIBS to find
tcl library])
AC_ARG_WITH(tcl-include,  [  --with-tcl-include=FLAG add FLAG to CPPFLAGS to
find tcl headers])
AC_ARG_WITH(tk-lib,       [  --with-tk-lib=FLAG      add FLAG to LIBS to find tk
AC_ARG_WITH(tk-include,   [  --with-tk-include=FLAG  add FLAG to CPPFLAGS to
find tk headers])
AC_ARG_WITH(blt-lib,      [  --with-blt-lib=FLAG     add FLAG to LIBS to find
blt library])
AC_ARG_WITH(blt-include,  [  --with-blt-include=FLAG add FLAG to CPPFLAGS to
find blt headers])
in the file in the sid/component/tcl folder; since i don't kwon
much about auto-tools, i wanted to ask if that means that it is possible to pass
the path to tcl.h and tk.h files during configure or make steps.

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