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Bundle LocalStrings not found

I keep running into the error listed below whenever I attempt to view one of
Tomcat's servlet examples. On investigation, LocalStrings is where it
belongs (actually the various LocalStrings appear to be where they belong)
so the error has me somewhat confused.  This failure was identified once
before, in the December 2001 archives, but no solution was given.  I suspect
that this is caused by some subtle configuration failure, but I have used
all the tricks I know to no avail.  A point in the right direction would be

System vitals that might be important:
	Mandrake 8.1
	Kernel 2.4.8
	GCJ 3.1



(p.s. I think what you have done so far is remarkable.  Thanks a lot.)

Error: 500
Location: /examples/servlet/HelloWorldExample
Internal Servlet Error:
java.util.MissingResourceException: Bundle LocalStrings not found
at 0x404747e0: _ZN4java4lang9ThrowableC1EPNS0_6StringE
at 0x40465036: _ZN4java4lang9ExceptionC1EPNS0_6StringE
at 0x40469766: _ZN4java4lang16RuntimeExceptionC1EPNS0_6StringE
at 0x404b28d9:
at 0x404b5b90:
1ClassLoaderE (/home/opt/gcc3/lib/
at 0x404b53ab:
at 0x405cd847: ffi_call_SYSV (/home/opt/gcc3/lib/
at 0x405cd7f7: ffi_raw_call (/home/opt/gcc3/lib/
at 0x40446cff: _ZN16_Jv_InterpMethod9continue1EP26_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation
at 0x405d8874:
at 0x40444b14: _ZN16_Jv_InterpMethod10run_normalEP7ffi_cifPvP7ffi_rawS2_
at 0x405cd6ac: ffi_prep_closure (/home/opt/gcc3/lib/
at 0x401fea3a:
9HttpServletResponseE (/home/opt/gcj_binaries/lib/
at 0x401feda9:
vletResponseE (/home/opt/gcj_binaries/lib/
at 0x4009c15c:
ponseE (/home/opt/gcj_binaries/lib/
at 0x40097cb5:
at 0x4009bc64:
nseE (/home/opt/gcj_binaries/lib/
at 0x400946c6:
S2_8ResponseE (/home/opt/gcj_binaries/lib/
at 0x400941bf:
nseE (/home/opt/gcj_binaries/lib/
at 0x400bb08d:
at 0x400b4846:
bjectEE (/home/opt/gcj_binaries/lib/
at 0x400d22bd: _ZN3org6apache6tomcat4util26ThreadPool$ControlRunnable3runEv
at 0x40472193: _ZN4java4lang6Thread3runEv (/home/opt/gcc3/lib/
at 0x40457c5c: _Z13_Jv_ThreadRunPN4java4lang6ThreadE
at 0x405bbbf0: _Z20_Jv_ThreadUnRegisterv (/home/opt/gcc3/lib/
at 0x405c3d0e: GC_start_routine (/home/opt/gcc3/lib/
at 0x40845bc3: pthread_detach (/lib/
at 0x4092cc0a: __clone (/lib/

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