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Mauve compatibility intent

I was going to try my hand at writing some Mauve test cases. I downloaded a CVS snapshot of Mauve and got it running on Linux. I ran Mauve against the recent Sun JDK 1.2 Linux release candidate and got quite a few errors (like over 1000, with a dominant portion of those against the Character class). This surprised me. Is Mauve regularly tested against the Sun JDKs? Either that or I'm doing something wrong.
Now, the big overall question is, "What is the compatibility intent of Mauve?" Is it to test compatibility with the Sun JDKs (e.g., full "bug compatibility" with Sun's implementation), or is it to test compatibility with the abstract JDK API specs (e.g., Sun's implementation may show errors because it doesn't meet Sun's own abstract API spec)?
-- Dave Roberts

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