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Re: Fw: Mauve with my own java compiler

>I've made a java compiler (100% written in Java, GNU license) and I've
>test it against Mauve.


>"" looks more like a bug of your
>test suite than a bug of my compiler. (FAIL:
> getLineNumber - first series
>(number 1)) and since javac and jikes act like me I'm a little bit

I looked at LineNumberReader briefly and didn't see a bug. It does fail for
me when run with the JDK, but succeeds on Japhar+Classpath.  I'll have to
dig a little deeper.

>Should a perfect compiler not fail in all of your test (in this case,
>please explain why standard compilers fail) or is your test suite bugged?

Mauve is a library test suite, not a compiler test suite. Assuming your
compiler is able to compile Mauve (which itself is an interesting case
because of the massive command line we currently use to compile) at all, it
is probably working correctly.  We don't do anything fancy that would
provide much of a compiler test (to the best of my knowledge).  Even
correctly compiled, Mauve will generate many errors, particularly in the
Character class, which performs a few million tests.  This doesn't indicate
that the compile was wrong, but rather either a bug in the test suite or the
library being tested.

>my compiler is freely available at:
>It works under JDK1.1 and 1.2 and comes with xkjc a compiler for java +
>embedded SQL.

I'll have to check that out.

Aaron M. Renn (

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