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Re: Structure-return bug on powerpc32

Wim Lewis wrote:
I've been looking into some libffi test failures on netbsd/ppc. To make a long story short, under some circumstances (returning a small aggregate that's not a multiple of 4 bytes), ffi_call() will write past the end of the buffer passed to rvalue.

In the cls_6byte.c test, this manifests itself as the first field in g_dbl getting mysteriously set to zero after the call to ffi_call() in main, since g_dbl is allocated after res_dbl with no padding. (This surprised me a little, but the debugger confirms that &g_dbl is six bytes higher than &res_dbl.) As a result, the *next* test in that file will fail, since g_dbl no longer has the expected value.

The actual clobbering takes place at this point in src/powerpc/sysv.S:

 > L(smst_8byte):
 >         stw     %r3,0(%r30)
 >         stw     %r4,4(%r30)
 >         b       L(done_return_value)

where r30 contains 'rvalue'. This ends up writing 8 bytes even for a 6-byte return struct.

I'm not familiar enough with ppc assembly to suggest a patch; I'm not really sure what the code immediately before the smst_8byte label is doing. One idea is to do a read-modify-write and use insrwi/rlwinm to modify only the portion of the word containing the returned struct. But the struct may be aligned at the end of a memory region, so maybe the only correct implementation for oddly-sized aggregates is a sequence of rotates and stswi or stbu instructions.

regards Wim Lewis /

Which ABI does netbsd/ppc use? The original SYSV or the same as Linux? If it is the original SYSV you might try to build like FreeBSD does.


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