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Re: Problem with atexit and _dl_fini

On 22.05.19 21:34, Adhemerval Zanella wrote:

Do you have a easy way to provide the environment you are testing?

Now I can provide a way to reproduce the problem and debug it. While this may look a little daunting at first, it's mostly just copy/paste of commands and in the end you have a gdb session with a glibc that can be stepped through in the debugger.


This is about the simplest way to reproduce the `atexit` problem in glibc.

## Create a docker with the development environment

Get the Dockerfile:

curl -L -O ''

As we want to debug with the newest **glibc** we need to use `ubuntu:disco`
instead of `ubuntu:bionic`, so change the first line of
the `Dockerfile` to `FROM ubuntu:disco`. Now you are ready to build the

sudo docker build -t foundation -f Dockerfile "`mktemp -d`"
sudo docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -i -t --rm foundation

## Get some tools via apt

Inside the docker get some prerequisites for debugging and for **glibc**:

sudo apt-get -y install vim gdb gawk bison gettext texinfo

## Download the project

Inside the docker get the **MulleObjC** project. This will place you in a
virtual environment subshell.  With `exit` you can get out (you should).


## Remove atexit fix

With the `atexit` fix, there are no problems, so we need to take it out:

cd MulleObjC/test
mulle-sde environment set MULLE_ATEXIT_URL ''

## Build with a debug version of glibc

Build everything with a custom built version of **glibc**, so we can debug it.
While still being in `MulleObjC/test`:

mulle-sourcetree -N add --nodetype 'tar' --marks 'no-all-load,no-import' --userinfo 'aliases=c' --url '${GLIBC_2_29_URL:-}' --branch '${GLIBC_2_29_BRANCH}' 'glibc'
mulle-sourcetree move glibc top
mulle-sde dependency craftinfo set glibc CC_DEBUG '-O1 -g'
mulle-sde dependency craftinfo set glibc SKIP_AUTOCONF YES
mulle-sde test craft

## Build first test and observe the error

While still being in `MulleObjC/test`:

mulle-sde -vvv test run --keep-exe 0_noleak/noleak.m

The error should appear.
Now you can look at the debugger to seem the wrong atexit order:

MULLE_TESTALLOCATOR=1 MULLE_OBJC_PEDANTIC_EXIT=YES gdb /MulleObjC/test/0_noleak/noleak.debug.exe

> Breakpoints to set:
> b atexit
> b mulle_testallocator_exit
> b mulle_objc_global_atexit


I tried these steps and it worked out successfully for me.

Good Luck


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