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Re: Re: about glibc performance

On Mon, 25 Mar 2019 at 13:11, Jimmie <> wrote:
> It seems like that I can't send attachment to libc-help. so I simply describe my test results.<br/>malloc and free 10000 times in per-thread, the datas is below(left column represent memsize per malloc. and the other column represent the cost time it uses, )

Thank you for sharing your results.  While the results are very
tempting to share (because of my obvious bias as a glibc developer),
simply allocating and freeing repeatedly in per-thread may not be a
sufficient enough test.  This does show that glibc does significantly
better than tcmalloc for same size reallocations, but not much else.
That is unless you're baking in a way to mix up the sizes and
allocations that mimic some known real world workload(s).

If you're interested in pursuing this further, I would recommend
profiling a program like firefox or libreoffice to find
malloc/calloc/realloc/free calls and then mimicing that workload
somehow.  That would be a much nicer benchmark to do this kind of


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