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Re: Adjust thresholds in Bessel function implementations (bug 14469)

       Dear Joseph,

> Paul, could you run your exhaustive tests of j0f, j1f, y0f,
> y1f with this patch and see what effect it has on the maximum ulp
> error and the number of inputs with large errors?

here are the results on x86_64 for the binary32 functions:

Maximal error in ulps:
                     glibc-2.31       glibc-2.31 + patch
j0f                  4760682496          6177902
j1f                   714456064          2246675
y0f                 15117099008          4837658
y1f                   464033280          6177902

Number of incorrectly rounded results:
                     glibc-2.31       glibc-2.31 + patch
j0f                  1353797232       1334176546
j1f                  1369557306       1340594104
y0f                  1314115311       1304302535
y1f                  1213975420       1199498354

The maximal errors have thus been greatly reduced.

Best regards,

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