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Re: Accelerating Y2038 glibc fixes

On 7/29/19 4:08 PM, Joseph Myers wrote:
What it would require is to add compat implementations with a different
type, time32_t for instance.  Something like:
That seems much harder to implement through incremental development,
whereas with _TIME_BITS=64 things can readily be implemented incrementally

I worry that this puts the incremental cart before the incremental horse, at least for portable applications. If we take the _TIME_BITS=64 approach, portable applications should add the equivalent of "#define _TIME_BITS 64" to their config.h files or ihatever, because they should be Y2038-safe. But if glibc development is incremental so that some time_t uses are glitchy when _TIME_BITS=64, these applications will have problems. Conversely, if glibc doesn't publicize the time_t changes until they're ready (which I think is the intent), the _TIME_BITS=32 approach would be less hassle overall for portable applications; they won't have to change their source code.

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