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Reason for __ aliases of variables

We have some global variables in glibc which have internal __ aliases (e.g., daylight and __daylight). Why do we do this?

We cannot optimize access to the __ variant because that would break the aliasing (__daylight in and daylight in the application would be different objects, breaking the interface).

If the application defines the non-__ variable, we still need to write to it through the __ alias, so there is no namespace protection (again, doing otherwise would break the interface). Some relocation types are indistinguishable at the ELF layer from a variable definition supplied by the application (so saying “int daylight = 5;” is invalid doesn't help much).

So it's probably best to get rid of these aliases (but only for new ABIs, we cannot even turn __daylight into a compat symbol because that would be treated as hidden (although it obviously is not) and triggers an error from ld).

Should we switch the internal use of __ symbols to the names without the __ prefix?

If we make internal calls which happen to rely on these symbols without an explicit dependency specified by POSIX, we should probably have different implementations which do not access these variables. This would also allow us to avoid a thread safety hazard.


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