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Re: [PATCH 1/5] Clean pthread types namespace for all archs.

On Mon, 17 Aug 2015, Juan Manuel Torres Palma wrote:

> /* This file is required to have a shared types definition
>  * between POSIX threads and C11 threads. It allows to
>  * header files like pthread.h and thread.h to define their types
>  * with the same size and fields without corrupting namespaces.
>  *
>  * The interface is as follows:
>  *
>  * - $ARCH/bits/thread-shared-types.h. Defines specific arch
>  *   structures for mutex and condvar. There is a single definition
>  *   for each architecture. The macros defined are
>  *
>  * - bits/pthreadtypes-common.h. Works as a generic file that defines
>  *   common pthread types like pthread_mutex_t and pthread_cond_t
>  *   based on the arch specific definition included from
>  *   thread-shared-types.h.
>  *
>  * - $ARCH/pthreadtypes.h. Include pthreadtypes-common.h to have access
>  *   to pthread types and expose them for the other types and functions
>  *   that require it.
>  */
> Is anything like this suitable?

Well, don't say $ARCH (just give the name that will be found within the 
sysdeps search path, allowing the possibility that in some cases this may 
depend on both the architecture and the OS) and don't have the '*' at the 
start of each line, but something like that, yes.

Joseph S. Myers

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