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Re: [Patch] [BZ 15884] strcoll: improve performance by removing the cache

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 02:19:48PM +0200, Leonhard Holz wrote:
> please have a look at the attached JSON output of the strcoll benchmark.


>   "strcoll": {
>    "file list": {
>     "directory": "..",
>     "file_count": 39086,
>     "locale": "en_US.UTF-8",
>     "duration": 4.72532e+09,
>     "iterations": 16,
>     "mean": 2.95333e+08
>    },

The "directory" and "file_count" directives are not necessary.  Also,
rename the "file list" key to "" (an empty string) to indicate that
this is the default case, i.e. plain text, which is how the default
benchtest output looks like.

>    "word list": {
>     "file": "strcoll-inputs/lorem_ipsum_vi_VN",
>     "locale": "vi_VN.UTF-8",
>     "duration": 4,86973e+07,
>     "iterations": 16,
>     "mean": 3,04358e+06
>    },

Likewise, the "file" directive is not necessary since it is derived
from the locale name.  Instead of "word list", make the locale name as
the key so that you can get rid of the "locale" key.

With the above two changes, your "word list" and "file list" will end
up looking the same barring the extra 'locale' key in "plaintext":

"vi_VN.UTF-8": {
 "duration": 4,86973e+07,
 "iterations": 16,
 "mean": 3,04358e+06

"": {
 "locale": "en_US.UTF-8",
 "duration": 4.72532e+09,
 "iterations": 16,
 "mean": 2.95333e+08


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