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Re: resolv.conf format for DNSSEC [was: DNSSEC support in stub-resolver]

> Well, we need to also reach a decision at some point, one way or
> another. This thread is open since months, and making the bad decision is
> much better than making no decision.

I realize it's frustrating not to see traction on a subject you want
addressed.  I'm sorry that nobody else has put a high priority on
figuring out this issue in a way we can all be comfortable with.
But your last statement is a clear sign of someone who has not
internalized this project's concept of conservatism, and perhaps
someone who has not had the experience of making a quick decision
about what goes into an ABI and living to see that ABI still in use
(and those past quick decisions become albatrosses around the neck)
twenty years later.


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