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Re: I would like to add a function C in glibc

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:49:07PM +0000, Patrice Schoumi wrote:
> Hello,
> It's a good email for send a good idea about a very simple function
> that can make a lot of services ?

The standard library is not really the place for adding random utility
functions, especially if they're simple. In principle, it should
contain mostly either things which are impossible to implement in
non-system-specific ways, or pure library routines (like the math
library) that have very large, complex requirements and are hard to
get right, and where the way to achieve reasonable performance is
sometimes machine-specific (things like memcpy of course also fall
under this category).

With that said, if you do think you have something that merits
inclusion, please state your proposal rather than just asking if it's
okay to do so.


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