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Re: undefined reference to __gxx_personality_v0

On 2012-06-15 15:50, Roland McGrath wrote:
> OK, so those are in fact indirect references from the .eh_frame section.
> Why it's DW.ref... is some arcana that I don't entirely understand and
> am not bothering to investigate thoroughly.  Some GCC hacker who groks
> what dw2_force_const_mem is for can explain that for us.  (I'm curious.)

When a variable is eliminated from the optimized code, and its value was
a constant, we can spill the constant value to memory and adjust the
dwarf code to keep the variable and properly describe its value.

There is the presumption that the constant is really referenced in the
code, so we are not adding a new reference to a symbol.  I'm a bit
surprised that this is the only reference...


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