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Re: glibc stacking up to Windows

Michael Lueck wrote:

Delete files, rename files... just don't copy files. "Oh, but it is SUPPOSE to be that way..." Yea right!

Fine, the "science" behind copying a file is much more involved than deleting and renaming them. That is up to the people writing the library to take care of for me. When I see a "File-System-Interface" I expect it to have an extensive list of filesystem related functions. Copy is pretty basic in that regard, thus glibc fails in my opinion.
I could say interesting things about your opinion, but I won't.

I've been writing code on Unix and Linux since, well, it's embarrassing -- I work with people who weren't born when I started. In all that time how often have I needed to do that "basic" CopyFile()? I've got code that uses open() and creat() to create files, code that uses rename(), link() and unlink() to tinker with names and get to grips with certain atomic operations, code to read(), transmute and write() new files or update existing ones. I've got shell scripts, perl scripts, awk scripts, tcl scripts, python scripts, you-name-it-scripts that do all of those.

Copying files? Sure. I don't have anything in this huge source tree that I'm working on that copies files in C. There's some copying in shell scripts to create a backup copy before editing the original (ed(1) doesn't do backups). I've just looked back through the history in this terminal emulator I have here (points) and there's lots of scp's to copy from one machine to another and one scp to recover a file from a backup I did before I rebuilt my machine after a disk crash.

Far from being "pretty basic", copying files in Unix/Linux/Posix is actually pretty rare because the file system supports operations that make that largely unnecessary. Windows doesn't have (proper) symbolic links and doesn't have (hard) links at all and that makes copying far more common ...

Before you start a war to turn Linux into Windows, get to grips with Linux as a different operating system. If something "pretty basic" isn't there, ask yourself "why?" not "where?". The "why" will take a lot longer to answer but you might, if you're not too blinkered, learn something new.


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