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Re: [patch] ko_KR locale

Ulrich Drepper wrote:

> Jungshik Shin wrote:

>>localedef didn't complain, but the collation result was all messed up
>>with the locale generated from it. So, I gave up using '..' to
>>represent the range and  listed all characters in the patch.

> That's no good solution.  The locale description gets unmaintainable
> in
> this form.  localedef should handle the case correctly.  Provide a
> test
> case and we can look into fixing it.

  Yes, I agree that we have to fix the root cause instead of working
around. Attached is a bzip2'd tar file with the following files:

  1. ko_KR.v2  : the locale definition file with the range notation
  2. ko_KR.test:  11,172 Hangul syllables and 8,999 Chinese characters
                 with Korean reading specified in Unihan-3.2.0.txt
                 are listed.

With the locale generated by the definition file I sent you earlier,
'sort sorted' reproduced 'sorted' file. However, with the locale
generated from ko_KR.v2 (I'm attaching here), 'sort sorted' generates
a totally different output.

BTW, in terms of the maitenability, I don't see much difference. Even if
I use the range notation, it still has to be machine-generated and the
result is not for 'human consumption' although the number of lines is
halved (from ~ 20k to ~10k).


Description: ko_KR locale definiton file and a test file

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