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LC_MONETARY and incorrect danish locale?

I wrote a test case for the danish locale (da_DK), but was supprised
by the formatting of the international currency.  This is my current
successful test (for localedata/tst-fmon.out):

  # Check the Danish locales (da_DK)
  da_DK.ISO-8859-1	%n	123.45		kr 123,45
  da_DK.ISO-8859-1	%n	-123.45		kr -123,45
  da_DK.ISO-8859-1	%n	3456.781	kr 3.456,78

  da_DK.ISO-8859-1	%i	1.23		DKK  1,23
  da_DK.ISO-8859-1	%i	1234.56		DKK  1.234,56

Notice the double space after DKK.  I believe this should be a single
space.  But I am not sure how to change the locale to only use one
space there.  The current da_DK look like this:

  int_curr_symbol         "<U0044><U004B><U004B><U0020>"
  currency_symbol         "<U006B><U0072>"
  mon_decimal_point       "<U002C>"
  mon_thousands_sep       "<U002E>"
  mon_grouping            3;3
  positive_sign           ""
  negative_sign           "<U002D>"
  int_frac_digits         2
  frac_digits             2
  p_cs_precedes           1
  p_sep_by_space          2
  n_cs_precedes           1
  n_sep_by_space          2
  p_sign_posn             4
  n_sign_posn             4

Notice the space (U0020) at the end of int_curr_symbol.  Removing the
space result in only 'DKK' being printed.  This looks like a bug to
me.  How is this supposed to work?  How is the locale supposed to look
to get it to print "DKK 1,23" for the value 1.23?

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