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Re: Problem with library preloading plus procps

On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 04:01:35PM +0000, Manuel Arriaga wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using binutils-, and procps-2.0.7 on GNU/Linux. 
> When I set LD_PRELOAD and run a program, I expect _init() (defined in the 
> preloaded object) to be called before any code in the program is executed.
> However, if you compile the code in the attached tarball, preload it and then 
> run one of the commands in the procps package (ps, top, free) you might 
> notice that the open() function is called before _init() is run. 
> Can you offer any hints as to why this might be happening? As far as I know, 
> this has occurred under Slackware 7.1, Slackware 8.0 and RedHat 7.1.
> Best regards,
> Manuel Arriaga
> PS: This isn't happening only on my machine; several users of libtrash 
> ( have described the same problem.

It is not a binutils issue. It is controlled by glibc. If you do,

# LD_DEBUG=files free

you will see the order of init being called. I don't know what the
right order is for calling init when LD_PRELOAD is used. Does anyone


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