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Warning: Ignoring changed section attributes for .gnu.warning.sigstack


I've noticed a small problem while compiling glibc and would welcome
your input.

The appended simple program prints a warning with gcc 2.96 CVS current:

$ /opt/gcc-2.96/bin/gcc -Wall -c test-warning.c -save-temps
test-warning.s: Assembler messages:
test-warning.s:19: Warning: Ignoring changed section attributes for .gnu.warning.sigstack

With gcc 2.95.2 everything is fine:
$ gcc -Wall -c test-warning.c            
[No output at all]

The warning occurs with the current binutils CVS version.

Here's the program, it's destilled from glibc:
int sigstack (void)
  return 0;

asm(".section " ".gnu.warning.""sigstack" "; .previous");
static const char __evoke_link_warning_sigstack[]
__attribute__ ((section (".gnu.warning.""sigstack")))
     =  "the `sigstack' function is dangerous.  `sigaltstack' should be used instead.";

Here's the generated assembler file:
	.file	"test-warning.c"
	.version	"01.01"
	.align 16
.globl sigstack
	.type	 sigstack,@function
	pushl	%ebp
	movl	%esp, %ebp
	movl	$0, %eax
	popl	%ebp
	.size	 sigstack,.Lfe1-sigstack
	.section .gnu.warning.sigstack; .previous
	.section	.gnu.warning.sigstack,"a",@progbits
	.align 32
	.type	 __evoke_link_warning_sigstack,@object
	.size	 __evoke_link_warning_sigstack,77
	.string	"the `sigstack' function is dangerous.  `sigaltstack' should be used instead."
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000517 (experimental)"

The important difference between gcc 2.95 and 2.96 is:
-.section       .gnu.warning.sigstack,"a",@progbits
+       .section        .gnu.warning.sigstack,"a",@progbits

It looks as gcc 2.96 does it right indenting the section.  

But how can we silence the assembler?  Does anybody know whether this
is a bug in binutils, gcc or glibc?

 Andreas Jaeger
  SuSE Labs

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