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Re: Views and maybe bugs

Thanks for the bug report.

 > 1) The documentation for gsl_matrix_view_vector() says that it
 > will create a matrix view m' of a vector with elements
 > m'(i,j) = v->data[(i*n2+j)*v->stride]
 > ...
 > There are two possibilities to fix this:  Adding a stride factor
 > for the second index of matrices or disallowing non-unit strided
 > vectors as input for those functions.

Right, this should have been an error for non-unit strides. I'll add

 > 2) (Maybe a bug.) The gsl_vector_const_view_array() family of
 > functions don't exists in libgsl.a.  A dump with nm confirms
 > this.  Possibly a bad installation on my part, but perhaps
 > someone else could check their system?

Yes, these were missing. They were left out of the template, I'll
add them in now.

 > 3) (Maybe a bug.)  The const modifier isn't uniformly applied to
 > some functions' input arguments.  Some do, such as
 > gsl_vector_fprintf(), but whole families of functions, such as
 > gsl_vector_view_array() don't.  This is an unpleasant surprise.
 > IMHO, if a function's argument is only for input then it should
 > be qualified const.

The gsl_vector_const_view_array() function was missing as in matrix/,
it was using the same template file as for the matrices. I'll add it


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