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Compilation of GSL on Visual C++ 6.0 mostly done ...

Hello again,

I have GSL 0.7 (not the CVS version) compiled on Visual C++ 6.0
on three static libraries:


but still remains some problems:

- I don't understand the Brian Gough suggestion, how this define is
   suposed to solve the lost of acosh and atanh in the math.h?

#define acosh gsl_acosh
#define atanh gsl_atanh

I think I need a C version of acosh and atanh to replace the non existing

ones, Is that right?

- I have eliminated some of the warnings on const/not const parameters to

functions on definition/declaration, but still remains a lot of them. I
post to the list the output of the compiler if it's usefull.

- There is some warnings related to conversions between types with a
possible lost of data.

- The worst thing is in matrix/rowcol_source.c, I have isolated the
problem in both ocurrences of BASE_GSL_COMPLEX. If thouse are
present the these errors are tiggered:

>  >  rowcol_source.c(21) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier
>  > 'gsl_matrix__complex_submatrix' rowcol_source.c(21) : error C2059:
>  > syntax error : ';' rowcol_source.c(21) : error C2143: syntax error
>  > : missing ')' before '*'
>  >  rowcol_source.c(21) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{'
>  > before '*'

On the other hand if both ocurrences are commented out then the errors
desapears and, of course, the support for complex matrices.

- In order to Visual C++ to perform as a strictly ANSI C compliant
(defining __STDC__) I have to check "Disable all extensions" in
Settings->C/C++->Customize. In this case I have to change an
in interpolation/cspline.c to look like:

#ifdef __STDC__
    gsl_vector solution_vec;
    gsl_vector_set(&solution_vec, 0, sys_size);
    gsl_vector_set(&solution_vec, 1, 1);
    gsl_vector_set(&solution_vec, 2, *(interp->c) + 1.);
    gsl_vector_set(&solution_vec, 3, 0);
    // Ilegal Initiallitation in VC++ with "Disable all extensions"
    gsl_vector solution_vec = { sys_size, 1, interp->c + 1, 0 };

Is this correct ? Or I'm missing something ?

- Maybe is better to compile all the library into a DLL, but it has to
wait ...

- At this moment I'm creating all the projects for the test programs.
I hope to finish it in the next hours (or in the weekend :-) ).

Again, mail me directly because I'm not in the list.

José Miguel.

Jose Miguel Buenaposada Biencinto
Facultad de Informática                  | Computer Science School
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid  (UPM) | Madrid Tech. University.
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid (ESPAÑA)| (SPAIN)
Voice    +34 91 336 69 47
web   :
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