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libc/sysdeps/libm-i387 e_acos.S e_acosf.S e_ac ...

CVSROOT:	/glibc/cvsfiles
Module name:	libc
Changes by:	99/07/14 00:18:26

Removed files:
	sysdeps/libm-i387: e_acos.S e_acosf.S e_acosh.S e_acoshf.S 
	                   e_acoshl.S e_acosl.S e_asin.S e_asinf.S 
	                   e_asinl.S e_atan2.S e_atan2f.S e_atan2l.S 
	                   e_atanh.S e_atanhf.S e_atanhl.S e_exp.S 
	                   e_exp10.S e_exp10f.S e_exp10l.S e_expf.S 
	                   e_expl.S e_fmod.S e_fmodf.S e_fmodl.S 
	                   e_hypot.S e_hypotf.S e_log.S e_log10.S 
	                   e_log10f.S e_log10l.S e_logf.S e_logl.S 
	                   e_pow.S e_powf.S e_powl.S e_rem_pio2.c 
	                   e_rem_pio2f.c e_rem_pio2l.c e_remainder.S 
	                   e_remainderf.S e_remainderl.S e_scalb.S 
	                   e_scalbf.S e_scalbl.S e_sqrt.S e_sqrtf.S 
	                   e_sqrtl.S k_rem_pio2.c k_rem_pio2f.c 
	                   k_rem_pio2l.c s_asinh.S s_asinhf.S s_asinhl.S 
	                   s_atan.S s_atanf.S s_atanl.S s_cbrt.S 
	                   s_cbrtf.S s_cbrtl.S s_ceil.S s_ceilf.S 
	                   s_ceill.S s_cexp.S s_cexpf.S s_cexpl.S 
	                   s_copysign.S s_copysignf.S s_copysignl.S 
	                   s_cos.S s_cosf.S s_cosl.S s_exp2.S s_exp2f.S 
	                   s_exp2l.S s_expm1.S s_expm1f.S s_expm1l.S 
	                   s_fdim.S s_fdimf.S s_fdiml.S s_finite.S 
	                   s_finitef.S s_finitel.S s_floor.S s_floorf.S 
	                   s_floorl.S s_fma.S s_fmaf.S s_fmal.S s_fmax.S 
	                   s_fmaxf.S s_fmaxl.S s_fmin.S s_fminf.S 
	                   s_fminl.S s_frexp.S s_frexpf.S s_frexpl.S 
	                   s_ilogb.S s_ilogbf.S s_ilogbl.S s_isinfl.c 
	                   s_isnanl.c s_llrint.S s_llrintf.S s_llrintl.S 
	                   s_log1p.S s_log1pf.S s_log1pl.S s_log2.S 
	                   s_log2f.S s_log2l.S s_logb.S s_logbf.S 
	                   s_logbl.S s_lrint.S s_lrintf.S s_lrintl.S 
	                   s_nearbyint.S s_nearbyintf.S s_nearbyintl.S 
	                   s_nextafterl.c s_remquo.S s_remquof.S 
	                   s_remquol.S s_rint.S s_rintf.S s_rintl.S 
	                   s_scalbln.c s_scalblnf.c s_scalblnl.c 
	                   s_scalbn.S s_scalbnf.S s_scalbnl.S 
	                   s_significand.S s_significandf.S 
	                   s_significandl.S s_sin.S s_sincos.S 
	                   s_sincosf.S s_sincosl.S s_sinf.S s_sinl.S 
	                   s_tan.S s_tanf.S s_tanl.S s_trunc.S 
	                   s_truncf.S s_truncl.S t_exp.c 

Log message:
	Moved into sysdeps/i386/fpu.

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