glibc-bugs archive
author index for November, 2008

This is the mail archive of the mailing list for the glibc project.

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375gnu at gmail dot com

aurelien at aurel32 dot net

baranikumarhtsl at gmail dot com

bruno at clisp dot org

caolanm at redhat dot com

chul at cn dot fujitsu dot com

d+bugzilla at vdr dot jp

drepper at redhat dot com

fmarmond at gmail dot com

gavindscott at gmail dot com

ilyes dot gouta at gmail dot com

kirill at shutemov dot name

laurent dot deniau at cern dot ch

morten+sources dot redhat dot com at afdelingp dot dk

mtk dot manpages at gmail dot com

n-redhat-glibc at nsd dot dyndns dot org

nmiell at comcast dot net

oliver at linux-kernel dot at

olsajiri at gmail dot com

pasky at suse dot cz

pluto at agmk dot net

rjones at redhat dot com

rsa at us dot ibm dot com

s dot ikarashi at jp dot fujitsu dot com

shawn dot starr at rogers dot com

sjmunroe at us dot ibm dot com

sources-redhat at brej dot org

tom dot honermann at oracle dot com

udig at il dot ibm dot com

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