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Re: [GDB Wiki] Add editor privilege control

On 09 Apr 2014, at 14:53, Joel Brobecker wrote:

Frank - Do you know what would need to be done at the technical
level to protect ourselves? I would think we first create a EditorGroup
page in the wiki, then add the corresponding group and its privileges
in the wiki's configuration, right? Or can everything be done directly
from the wiki? Anything else we should be doing?

A very useful protection against spammers for our wiki that I've found is using the blacklist. It's specifically geared at stopping wiki/forum spammers and works much better than more generic blacklists such as the Spamhaus XBL. Here's how to use it in MediaWiki/ PHP:

if(isset($_SERVER['remote_addr']) && ereg('yes', file_get_contents('' . $_SERVER['remote_addr'])))
  <it's a blacklisted IP>

I know neither PHP nor Python very well (I got the above code from somewhere else), so I can't translate it, but I'm sure you get the gist. As long as you
a) forbid editing by anonymous users
b) perform the above check at account creation time and whenever someone tries to add a link to an article

you should be pretty safe. I've had only 3 potentially bogus account registrations and not a single instance of spam on our wiki since I started using that blacklist 10 days ago. You can use it freely, except if you have more than 20000 queries per day (we have about 200 account creation attempts per hour on average, sometimes spiking to over a 1000). In that case you should download snapshots of their database and use that instead, as explained at


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