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Re: passing extended sim options when using gdb sim target

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 12:35 AM, Mike Frysinger <> wrote:
> a compiled simulator has a lot of fun options:
> ? ? ? ?--hw-device <...>
> ? ? ? ?--memory-region <...>
> ? ? ? ?--model <...>
> ? ? ? ?--environment <...>
> ? ? ? ?etc...
> when using the command line simulator (`run`), passing these options via the
> command line is obvious. ?but i cant seem to figure out how to do the same
> thing when running gdb and using the sim target.
> the gdb manual indicates the form is:
> ? ? ? ?target <type> <parameters>
> but nothing i stick in for <parameters> seems to make a difference
> i also recall seeing references to adding hardware devices on the fly from the
> gdb command line, but i cant locate any info along these lines either ...
> -mike


(gdb) target sim --foo bar --baz

As for adding things on the fly, there is the "sim" command in gdb.
How the sim interprets it is up to the sim (again, IIRC).

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