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Re: Some feedback about the python scripting feature

I don't know if it has completion or automatic indentation, because no
version of Python I have installed does either :-) Is this new?
I am sorry, i guess i was "slightly" wrong.
The completion is not automatic, someone added it to my working environment and i just thought it was part of the default behaiviour.
But it should be very easy to add to any other environment, i saw that the next three lines should do the job:

import rlcompleter
import readline
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")

Regarding the indentation, there is no support in the regular python shell... only in the 'ipython' shell or the 'idle' shell that are kind of improved CUIs for python.

In spite of that, i still think that the python shell has advantages, there is a difference between having direct response to the commands executed in python and having to imagine that the syntax is ok till you finish writing all the code. Also mixing the history of lines insterted in python context and lines inserted in gdb language is kind of bothering, they cannot really be reused.
|Thanks again for all the great work.

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