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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] GDB 7.0 release process created

> > ? What exactly is that status of darwin support?
> Not working.
> You could try this patch, and tell us whether the result works
> satisfactorily for you:

This patch (which we included in the AdaCore sources - thank you!)
should only get rid of some complaint messages, which are not emitted
by default.

While we discussed the gdb-7.0 release, I did try GDB on Darwin, and
it seemed to be working at least OK. I had to change the gid and make
it setgid procmod, I think, but it otherwised worked ok (and the error
message was different from that Jack is getting).

I don't know what could be wrong. If he turns "set complaint 50" and
sees the complaints about overlapping sections, then we know that
the debug object files are being read for their debug info.  Otherwise,
something's wrong there.


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