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Need help with GDB test run: Asks for password although ssh setup not to require password.


 I am trying to setup GDB DejaGNU remote testing using gdbserver. I have set things up so
 that I can ssh to my target machine without it asking for my password. However, I see
 these failures in my gdb.log file:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- spawn ssh -l b07584 perf1vme6 gdbserver :4004 vmx21726.x^M
b07584@perf1vme6's password: board_info host exists name
board_info host name
getting ld0159-tx32 name
board_info ld0159-tx32 exists name
board_info ld0159-tx32 exists protocol
board_info ld0159-tx32 generic_name
getting ld0159-tx32 generic_name
call_remote send ld0159-tx32 {target remote perf1vme6:4004
board_info ld0159-tx32 file_transfer
getting ld0159-tx32 file_transfer
board_info ld0159-tx32 connect
getting ld0159-tx32 connect
looking for ld0159-tx32_send
looking for telnet_send
looking for standard_send
call_remote calling standard_send
board_info ld0159-tx32 exists fileid
board_info ld0159-tx32 fileid
getting ld0159-tx32 fileid
shell_id in standard_send is exp6
board_info ld0159-tx32 fileid
getting ld0159-tx32 fileid
send -i exp6 -- {target remote perf1vme6:4004
board_info ld0159-tx32 fileid
getting ld0159-tx32 fileid
board_info target exists gdb,timeout
board_info host fileid
getting ld0159-tx32 fileid
target remote perf1vme6:4004^M
perf1vme6:4004: Connection refused.^M
(gdb) Connection refused by remote target. Pausing, and trying again.

 The: "perf1vme6:4004: Connection refused" is due to the gdbserver not being up
 on the target and I think, that, in turn is due to the password being asked when:
 "spawn ssh -l b07584 perf1vme6 gdbserver :4004 hello" happens.

If I run the ssh by hand, I am not asked for a password, I do see something like:

Process hello created; pid = 550
Listening on port 4004

and I can remote connect and debug as given in the GDB User Manual.


 Is the failure I am seeing in the DejaGNU run really due to the gdbserver not being
 up prior to the remote connect attempt on the hostside GDB in turn, due to the password
 being asked on the ssh? What am I doing wrong here? Kindly help.


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