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RE: MI non-stop mode spec

 > >   -> Should @ varobjs be bound to only thread, or to nothing at all.
 > This is an interesting question.  It brings the possibility of supporting
 > both those options.  That would mean three types of variable objects:
 > 1- bound to a frame
 > 2- bound to a thread
 > 3- not bound

I think there are more than three possibilities:

1) bound to the frame in which varobj is created (*).
2) bound to the selected frame (@)
3) bound to the thread in which varobj is created and 1)
4) bound to the thread in which varobj is created and 2)
5) bound to the selected thread and 1)
6) bound to the selected thread and 2)

Maybe there are more, e.g, all threads (I've not really thought them through)

Currently only 1) works and 2) has a broken implementation.


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