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Re: (Rising Spam Alert)gdbserver can't run over serial

"xchen" <xchen at> writes:
> This is the initial msg for gdb. Maybe useful.
> (gdb) target remote /dev/ttyS0
> Remote debugging using /dev/ttyS0
> Sending packet: $qSupported#37...Ack
> Packet received:
> Packet qSupported (supported-packets) is NOT supported 

No, that's not a problem.  The remote protocol specifies that, if a
stub receives a packet it doesn't understand, it should send back the
empty string as a reply.  GDB tries using whatever packets it hopes
will work; if the stub says it doesn't understand them, then GDB tries
to find other ways to get the job done.  So:

> Packet qSupported (supported-packets) is NOT supported 

just means that GDB tried to send a 'qSupported' packet to the stub,
but the stub didn't understand it, and GDB has decided not to try
that again.

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