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C++ Typedefs and symbol tables


I have encountered a problem setting breakpoints on overloaded C++ functions: when I specify the function signature, I have to use the canonical type name, not the typedef name used in the source I am looking at. (I am aware it prompts where no signature is given, but that possibility is not available to scripts, for example).

I'm using GDB 6.5 here. Apologies if this is a well known problem I've somehow failed to find on Google, or has been fixed since then.


class C;
typedef C t;
void f (t);

(gdb) break f(C)    -> OK
(gdb) break f(t)    -> bad

"info functions" lists the function using the name "C". This is consistent with nm, so I assume it is getting this from the symbol table. I suppose it makes sense that the signature in the symbol table uses the canonical name.

The dwarf debug information, on the other hand, shows the function with the typedef name used in the source code. It also contains the proper mapping from typedef name to actual class name.

Would it not be possible to use the debug information, where available, to canonicalize the type names before attempting to match the function signatures, at least for the purposes of setting breakpoints?



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