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Re: [RFC] multiple breakpoints from FILE:LINE

> We have discussed this issue many times in the past, as recently as two
> weeks ago.  In the beginning of 2005 I posted a prototype patch to set
> only a single breakpoint, but associate it with multiple locations.  I
> still firmly believe that that is the correct solution.  However, the
> patch was never finished.
> Those menus have got to go.  They're (a) confusing to users (in my
> opinion, no real data), and (b) extremely awkward for graphical
> frontends.

I'm just worried about the case where you want to break on one
particular instance. It's been a while since I debugged Ada, but
it's not so uncommon. At my previous job, we were still using
Ada83, and some of the limitations of that old revision of the
language led us to use generics in place of function pointers.
We had lots and lots and lots of generics, in particular the
one generic package that we used to implement callbacks. It would
be very difficult to debug this code if we were forced to break
on all of them....

I agree on your (a) and (b), though, expecially (b). As for (a),
it's a slightly complex concept, so I don't know how much we can
do to unconfuse the users...


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