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remote target: Memory access error while loading section .rom_vectors


I have remote ARM7TDMI target, protocol convertor BDI2000 - when I try to load a file I've got the next error:

GNU gdb 6.3
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
(gdb) target remote bdi1:2001
Remote debugging using bdi1:2001
(gdb) set debug remote 1
(gdb) lo
Loading section .rom_vectors, size 0x40 lma 0x800000
Sending packet: $X800000,40:\016\000\000ê\030ð\237å\030ð\237å\030ð\237å\030ð\237å\000\000\000\000\030ð\237å\030ð\237å@\000\200\000<\003\200\000¤\003\200\000Ü\003\200\000<\004\200\000\000\000\000\000(\005\200\000ð\004\200\000#70...AckPacket received: OK
Memory access error while loading section .rom_vectors.

The memory at 0x800000 is in RAM and the program can be loaded with gdb release 5.3 or 6.1
It can be seen that the BDI2000 returns "OK" which means that the packet was successfully written.
The bug I have found in some previous snapshots.

best regards

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