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stepping from header to header in C++

Wild stab in the dark here. I'm grepping through the ChangeLogs and Gnats but I'm hoping someone remembers fixing this.

In gdb 5.2.1 when debugging a C++ app with stabs+, gdb will not step from a method defined in a header to another method defined in a header. It stops on breakpoints well enough but will only step over.

class testclass1{
>>> step into this one fine but steps over the next call
	public: void method1(void){ test_class2.method1(); }

class testclass2{
	public: void method1(void){ print_stuff(); }

The problem seems to be fixed in more recent versions and doesn't exist when compiling with dwarf either. Not a super critical thing since it's workaroundable but I was hoping someone might remember off the top of their head.



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