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Re: Protocol Translation (Apologies for LONG email)


Could you make a gdbserver-like proxy utility, that would launch before gdb and listen on a port on localhost? Gdb would then connect to that port with RSP (or RDI or whatever), and you could translate the incoming messages to whatever protocol you needed on the ICE end.

Your server program could parse a configuration file, which might contain instructions to download the application to the target before gdb connects, or other housekeeping matters.

Once connected, you could use gdb's "maintenance" commands to send out-of-band messages for the things that don't translate well between RSP and your target protocol.

This is not unlike how gdbserver, the BDI2000, and some versions of the Wiggler work, and it wouldn't require modification of a single line of gdb source code.

Just my $0.02USD.


Ramana Radhakrishnan wrote:

Method 1) Add a new target, e.g. remote-rvi.c or something.

There's nothing wrong with adding a new target except I can see myself
running into problems with the functions I've coded.  I need to connect
to the RV-ICE in a certain way and also to build/send/receive/decode the
RV-MSG messages in a certain way.  As far as I can see, this is simply
not directly compatible with any of the GDB functions because my
remote-rvi.c file would need complete control to:

	Establish a connection to the RV-ICE.
	Connect/Disconnect to the target through the RV-ICE.
	Download a program through the RV-ICE to the target.

Can I have this control from just one remote-rvi.c (type) C file?

It would also mean wading through the C hierarchy in order to determine
which GDB functions I need to accomplish the various commands.  This
looks like a lot of work at this stage as (respectfully) the development
documentation for this type of thing is poor, and I'm having to figure
it out by trawling through the C structure, to see where various
functions are actually defined in order to work out what they're
actually doing.

In addition to this, there is no real protocol translation going on -
more "C-function" translation which is not really the idea.  Anyway,
what are your thoughts on this one?

Method 2) Use 'remote tcp' with some kind of switch and
         capture/translate the RSP messages before they go out on the

I'd need to find out where exactly GDB constructs it's RSP message
before it sends it out down the Ethernet and capture it before it goes.
I think this would involve something like checking the command line
switch and changing the read/write functions in ser-tcp.c and/or
ser-unix.c to write/read their messages to/from my own translation

ser-tcp , ser-unix.c just add the communication interfaces to gdb depending on the underlying communication to the debug monitor . I assume that your RVICE box can be reached through the ethernet / serial cable. So any communication based stuff is already in there. What you need to be doing is to add your own target implementing the members of the target structure that rv-ice will support for you .

For e.g. if you look at remote.c you can see functions like

remote_insert_breakpoint in remote.c which actually constructs the packet
to be sent out and then calls the underlying putpkt to do the actual
communication to the target. What you might consider doing is just simply
set up the remote protocol details for your RVICE ? The protocol details
like the command to insert a breakpoint, etc. etc.

So option 1 is the correct one. IMO option 2 does not seem valid.



Ramana Radhakrishnan
GNU Tools
Codito Technologies

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