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Re: register_offset_hack() vs REGISTER_BYTE()

I'm seeing the following internal error:

    .../frame.c:591: internal-error: Failed to compute the register number
    corresponding to 0x296

This is happening because the *addrp value in the following loop (which
is in frame_register() in frame.c)...

          for (regnum = 0; regnum < NUM_REGS + NUM_PSEUDO_REGS; regnum++)
              if (*addrp == register_offset_hack (current_gdbarch, regnum))
                  *realnump = regnum;
            } set using a value obtained from REGISTER_BYTE().  (See
sentinel_frame_prev_register in sentinel-frame.c.)  But the
value obtained from register_offset_hack() was computed by using the
register's virtual type.

Er, for a legacy architecture, register_offset_hack(i) (aka current_regcache->descr->register_offset) should be REGISTER_BYTE(i). See init_legacy_regcache_descr.

Sounds like the MIPS is sneeking past:

  /* If an old style architecture, fill in the remainder of the
     register cache descriptor using the register macros.  */
  if (!gdbarch_pseudo_register_read_p (gdbarch)
      && !gdbarch_pseudo_register_write_p (gdbarch)
      && !gdbarch_register_type_p (gdbarch))
      descr->legacy_p = 1;
      init_legacy_regcache_descr (gdbarch, descr);
      return descr;


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