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Re: frame->unwind->this_base()

On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 01:20:28PM -0500, Andrew Cagney wrote:

>>>GDB's frame code also makes available the get_frame_base() method. While >>>the default implementation returns get_frame_id().base, I think there is >>>going to need to be a per-frame frame->unwind->this_base method.


>>get_frame_base() returns ->frame and NOT ->id.base.

>OK, I'm definitely going around in confused little circles.  Don't the
>two statements above disagree?

No. See get_prev_frame() where it is defaulting ->frame to ->id.base.

> The current get_frame_base does return
>->frame but you also say above that get_frame_base should return

No. Default to get_frame_id().base.

So is that supposed to be a statement about the future in the first
paragraph?  It's sure not worded as one, no wonder I'm confused.

The present. GDB historically has had FRAME_FP and frame->frame and their intended purposes were overloaded: per frame unique identifier, frame base pointer, ...

Frame ID provides a per-frame unique identifier.

>Conceptually, are frame->frame and frame->id.base supposed to be the


Then could you enlighten me as to what the difference is supposed to

For dwarf2, check the spec where it discuss CFA (see CFI) and frame-base (see 3.3.5).

CFA + &function == frame_id
A per frame unique identifier that must be constant through out the lifetime of the frame. CFI recommends the top-of-stack from the previous frame.

frame-base == get_frame_base()
What ever the debug info would like it to be. The ISAs ABI will provide a strong set of guidelines though (if, for a framed function it doesn't match what the user expects, the'll likely complain :-). It will often point into the middle of the stack frame.


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