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unresolved symbols with libthread_db library

I'm trying to compile a simple program which uses the libthread_db library
(see code at the end). However I have some unresolved symbols. Does anyone
know what to include to resolve these symbols. Or should I implement
something myself? With this program I want to try debugging a multithreaded
program with use of gdbserver.

/*Specify on link line to access correct version.
 *   cc thisfile.c /lib/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <thread_db.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

static int thread_cb( const td_thrhandle_t *th_p, void *s );
struct ps_prochandle {
   pid_t pid;
struct ps_prochandle ph = {1};
td_thragent_t *ta_p;

 *   libthread_db example.
 *      Initialize libthread_db
 *      Create a thread agent
 *      Call thread iterator
int main()
   td_err_e td_return;
    *   td_init()
   td_return = td_init();
   if ( td_return != TD_OK ) {
      printf("Initialization error on td_init() call\n");
      return 0;
    *   td_ta_new()
   td_return = td_ta_new(&ph, &ta_p);
   if ( td_return == TD_OK ) {
       * td_ta_thr_iter()
      (void) td_ta_thr_iter(ta_p, thread_cb, "Import calls test",

   return 0;

static int thread_cb( const td_thrhandle_t *th_p, void *s )
 *  Description:
 *     Call back function for iterator
 *  Input:
 *     *th_p - thread handle
 *     *s - data
 *  Output:
 *     none
   int return_val = 0;
   td_err_e td_return;
   td_thrinfo_t to;
   td_return = td_thr_get_info(th_p, &(to));
   if ( td_return == TD_ERR ) {
      printf("Thread update failed\n");
      return_val = 1;
   return return_val;


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