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Re: GDB not showing local-to-block variables ?

Iztok Kobal writes:
 > System: i686, SuSE 8.1, kernel 2.4.19, gcc-3.2, gdb-5.2.1
 > code is configured to use exceptions and compiled using the 
 > --enable-debug. When invoking the gdb, it does not show the variables 
 > which are local to the block within some function:
 > void function (some argument) {
 >   try {
 >          some variable;     // which is not displayed by the debugger
 >          .....
 >          ......
 >   }
 >   catch (...) {
 >       ....
 >   }
 > }
 > When trying to display this variable as it was the watch variable, the 
 > debugger reports that there is no such symbol in the current stack frame.
 > Is this the debugger problem or there is an option to be used at compile 
 > time to get this info ?

I think this is the same problem as the one in

and it is due to gdb not understanding dwarf2 debug info that is
stored in .debug_ranges sections.


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