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gdb_mbuild -do-not-clean-up option


In using on a machine with lots of disk space (> 2gb free) I've found things work even better if none of the build directories are removed. Instead relying on gdb/Makefile's dependencies to do a correct re-build after a change.

To this end, I'd like to propose a new option (-n?) that indicates that the directory should not be removed at the end of the build and instead the target should just be [re-]made.

Thoughts, especially on the option letter? I don't like -n that much. -k is already taken for `make -k'.



While at it, given the SH:

make | tee logfile

does anyone know of a way to determine the exit status of the `make' instead of the `tee'?


PS: CFLAGS='-O -g0' can help with disk space size. However, I don't excactly know what the difference would be.

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