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Re: couldn't parse type message error

I'm using GCC for compiling and GDB 5.2.

I didn't use to get these printout message with the older version of GDB 5.0

I just find it weird since things gets printed out correctly, as far as i
know, despite this message

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Blandy" <>
To: "Lucy Zhang" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: couldn't parse type message error

> "Lucy Zhang" <> writes:
> > When I'm using GDB, i.e. using print/x, I get the message:
> > "During symbol reading, couldn't party type: debugger out of date?"
> >
> > Does anyone know why i'm getting this. Despite the message, all the
> > information still gets printed. Just wondering what is causing this
> > and if it can be fixed.
> The debugging information in the executable is broken up by
> compilation units (i.e., .o files).  GDB does an initial scan, but
> puts off really reading each compilation unit's debug info until it
> needs it.  When it does decide to read the info, it reads a full
> compilation unit's info at a time (and maybe some other CUs', in some
> cases).
> So your print command is causing GDB to read some compilation unit's
> debug info, and in the process, GDB comes across a type that it can't
> parse.
> What compiler and debugger are you using?  Which versions?

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