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Re: couldn't parse type message error

"Lucy Zhang" <> writes:
> When I'm using GDB, i.e. using print/x, I get the message:
> "During symbol reading, couldn't party type: debugger out of date?"
> Does anyone know why i'm getting this. Despite the message, all the
> information still gets printed. Just wondering what is causing this printout
> and if it can be fixed.

The debugging information in the executable is broken up by
compilation units (i.e., .o files).  GDB does an initial scan, but
puts off really reading each compilation unit's debug info until it
needs it.  When it does decide to read the info, it reads a full
compilation unit's info at a time (and maybe some other CUs', in some

So your print command is causing GDB to read some compilation unit's
debug info, and in the process, GDB comes across a type that it can't

What compiler and debugger are you using?  Which versions?

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