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Re: [1.3.3] breaks serial i/o?

Guys (and gals too!):

> Here's some of the (apparently) relevant code in gdb's RDI support:

NOnonono, that was all wrong.  For starters, under Cygwin it doesn't
compile with COMPILING_FOR_WINDOWS at all.

I whipped out the oscilloscope, and confirmed that, in fact, I do get
serialio on com1 under Cygwin 1.3.3 whether CTS/RTS are tied together
or not.  This is news to me, as the problem seemed to follow

I'm now running arm-elf-gdb under gdb under cygwin-1.3.3.  And from
what I've seen so far, there are just general instabilities everywhere
in the serial i/o related stuff.

It seems to frequently hang at line 307 of unixcomm.c, in the
Unix_ReadSerial() function.  It's as if it goes into read(), and never
returns.  Serpfd==3, err==1 in most cases.  It doesn't always hang
there, but it has hung there several times.

Here's the code:


extern int Unix_ReadSerial(unsigned char *buf, int n, bool block)
    fd_set fdset;
    struct timeval tv;
    int err;
    FD_SET(serpfd, &fdset);
    tv.tv_sec = 0;
    tv.tv_usec = (block ? 10000 : 0);
    err = select(serpfd + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv);
    if (err < 0 && errno != EINTR)
#ifdef DEBUG
        panic("select failure");
        return -1;
    else if (err > 0 && FD_ISSET(serpfd, &fdset))
        int s;
        s = read(serpfd, buf, n);
        if (s < 0)
        return s;

I'll try it under 1.3.2 and see if I can get any insights (pardon the pun).


Bill Gatliff

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