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gdb and gcj symbols

GDB's java support is quite broken right now.  Here's an example...

(gdb) set lang java
(gdb) ptype jmisc
type = class jmisc  extends java.lang.Object {

    void main__5jmisc_ZN5jmisc4mainEP6JArrayIPN4java4lang6StringEE;
    void _ZN5jmiscC1Ev;

The stabs data refers to this correctly mangled symbol...


So how does the physname get the "main__5jmisc" prefix?  The full
main__5jmisc_ZN5jmisc4mainEP6JArrayIPN4java4lang6StringEE string is
passed to the v3 demangler, which doesn't recognize it and assumes it
is a C symbol.

Any ideas?



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