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Re: i386_register_raw_size[]

>    The registers marked with "<<<<<" are the ones I want to discuss.
>    These are control, status, and tag words, and the FP instruction
>    address and operands.  The ``raw'' part of the name and the comment
>    imply that these should have the same size as they are saved by the
>    low-level debug support functions on the target machine.  I interpret
>    that as the layout in memory of the data saved by FSAVE and similar
>    instructions.
> I think ``raw'' implies that the data isn't yet interpreted by GDB
> yet, i.e. it is in the target byte order.

Yes, that's right --- my comment was misleading.  I've changed it:

/* i386_register_raw_size[i] is the number of bytes of storage in
   GDB's register array occupied by register i.  */

(Everything else Mark says corresponds with my understanding, too.)

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