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Remote Debugging

Hi all,

I just subscribed to this list...

I'm adapting the gdb and the remote stub for our embedded system.
Debugging works already over a RS232 line but I have a couple of
questions for which I can't find an answer:

1) I want to be able to debug also over a CAN network. I think I have to
write a new interface for the gdb. Namely the getpkt and putpkt of the
remote.c should be reimplemented. But what is a clean way? Could someone
assist me a bit.

2) When I 'load' a new executable into the target the loading works well
but the symbols are not loaded. At the end of generic_load function
comment asks whether symbol_file_add function should be called. Is that
exactly the right thing to do?

3) How do I get a clean information about the load of the new executable
in the stub? Before a new executable is started (or an old one
restarted) the stub needs to do a couple of things (for example clean up
the stack).

Please, forgive me if the answers are too obvious...

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