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new FAILs on x86

Testrun on x86_32. Following testcases are now broken but weren't some days ago.

testcases that are now broken in the new result:
FAIL: gdb.ada/boolean_expr.exp: print 1 = 2
FAIL: gdb.ada/boolean_expr.exp: print 3 = 3
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-prologue.exp: first backtrace in stack_align_edx
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-prologue.exp: second backtrace in stack_align_edx
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-prologue.exp: saved registers in stack_align_edx
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-prologue.exp: first backtrace in stack_align_eax
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-prologue.exp: second backtrace in stack_align_eax
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-prologue.exp: saved registers in stack_align_eax
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-signal.exp: finish (the program exited)
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-size.exp: backtrace shows no function
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-size.exp: disassemble stops at end of main
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-sse.exp: check int8 contents of %xmm0
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-sse.exp: check int8 contents of %xmm1
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-sse.exp: check int8 contents of %xmm2
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-sse.exp: check int8 contents of %xmm3
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-sse.exp: check int8 contents of %xmm4
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-sse.exp: check int8 contents of %xmm5
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-sse.exp: check int8 contents of %xmm6
FAIL: gdb.arch/i386-sse.exp: check int8 contents of %xmm7
FAIL: gdb.base/annota1.exp: breakpoint info
FAIL: gdb.base/annota1.exp: signal sent
FAIL: gdb.base/annota3.exp: breakpoint info (pattern 2)
FAIL: gdb.base/annota3.exp: run until main breakpoint (pattern 7)
FAIL: gdb.base/annota3.exp: send SIGUSR1 (pattern 7)
FAIL: gdb.base/annota3.exp: annotate ignore count change (pattern 5)
FAIL: gdb.base/break.exp: breakpoint info
FAIL: gdb.base/break.exp: Temporary breakpoint info
FAIL: gdb.base/break.exp: rbreak junk
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: commands - if_commands_test 1
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: silent - if_commands_test 1
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: set \$tem = 3 - if_commands_test 1
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: continue - if_commands_test 1
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: first end - if_commands_test 1
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: second end - if_commands_test 1
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: commands - if_commands_test 2
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: silent - if_commands_test 2
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: set \$tem = 3 - if_commands_test 2
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: continue - if_commands_test 2
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: first end - if_commands_test 2
FAIL: gdb.base/commands.exp: second end - if_commands_test 2
FAIL: gdb.base/completion.exp: (timeout) complete 'info func marke'
FAIL: gdb.base/completion.exp: (timeout) complete 'set follow-fork-mode'
FAIL: gdb.base/condbreak.exp: breakpoint info
FAIL: gdb.base/default.exp: info catch
FAIL: gdb.base/default.exp: info warranty
FAIL: gdb.base/default.exp: show version
FAIL: gdb.base/default.exp: source
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p -1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.234567df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p -1.234567df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1234567.df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p -1234567.df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E1df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E10df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E-10df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E96df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p -1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.234567890123456dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p -1.234567890123456dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1234567890123456.dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p -1234567890123456.dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E1dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E10dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E-10dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E384dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p -1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.234567890123456789012345678901234dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p -1.234567890123456789012345678901234dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1234567890123456789012345678901234.dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p -1234567890123456789012345678901234.dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E1dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E10dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E-10dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2E6144dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4df + 1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4df - 1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4df * 1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4df / 1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4dd + 1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4dd - 1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4dd * 1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4dd / 1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4dl + 1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4dl - 1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4dl * 1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.4dl / 1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: ptype 2.df + 2.df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: ptype 2.dd + 2.dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: ptype 2.dl + 2.dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 2.1df + 2.7dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 2.1dd + 2.7df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 2.6df + 2.7dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 2.6dl + 2.7df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 2.3dd + 2.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 2.3dl + 2.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: ptype 2.df + 2.dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: ptype 2.df + 2.dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: ptype 2.dd + 2.dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df + 1
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 2 + 1.7dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 3 + 2.1dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: ptype 1.2df + 1
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: ptype 2 + 1.7dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: ptype 3 + 2.1dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df + 2ll
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df + 1.2f
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p !0.df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p !0.dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p !0.dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p !0.5df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p !0.5dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p !0.5dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df == 1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df == 1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df == 1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dd == 1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dd == 1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dl == 1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dl == 1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df == 1.3df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df == 1.3dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df == 1.3dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dd == 1.3df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dd == 1.3dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dl == 1.3df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dl == 1.3dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p +1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p +1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p +1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df < 1.3df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df < 1.3dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dl < 1.3df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dd < 1.3dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dd < 1.3dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dl < 1.3dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dl < 1.3df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2df > 1
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 1.2dl > 2
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 2 > 1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p 2 > 3.1dl
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p (float) -0.1df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p (int) 8.3dd
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p (_Decimal64) 3.1
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p (_Decimal128) 3.7df
FAIL: gdb.base/dfp-exprs.exp: p (_Decimal32) 4
FAIL: gdb.base/display.exp: ignored s
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: b ending-run.c:14, one
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: run
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: clear worked
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: cleared bp at line before routine
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: Cleared 2 by line
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: Clear 2 by default
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: all set to continue (didn't clear bps)
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: cont
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: Step to return
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: step out of main
FAIL: gdb.base/ending-run.exp: step to end of run
FAIL: gdb.base/expand-psymtabs.exp: Expand psymtabs
FAIL: gdb.base/foll-exec.exp: step through execlp call
FAIL: gdb.base/foll-exec.exp: step after execlp call
FAIL: gdb.base/foll-exec.exp: print execd-program/global_i (after execlp)
FAIL: gdb.base/foll-exec.exp: print execd-program/local_j (after execlp)
FAIL: gdb.base/foll-exec.exp: hit catch exec
FAIL: gdb.base/foll-exec.exp: continue after hit catch exec
FAIL: gdb.base/foll-exec.exp: running to main in runto
FAIL: gdb.base/foll-fork.exp: running to main in runto (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/foll-vfork.exp: running to main in runto (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/frame-args.exp: frame 1 with print frame-arguments set to scalars
FAIL: gdb.base/frame-args.exp: frame 1 with print frame-arguments set to none
FAIL: gdb.base/gdb1056.exp: Test unsigned division by zero (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help aliases
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help breakpoints
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help delete "d" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help delete
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help data
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help detach
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help disable "dis" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help disable "disa" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help disable
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help enable breakpoints
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help enable
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help info "i" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help info
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help obscure
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help running
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help set check "c" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help set check "ch" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help set check
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help set history
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help set print "p" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help set print "pr" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help set print
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help set
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help show check "c" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help show check
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help show history
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help show print "p" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help show print "pr" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help show print "p" abbreviation
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help show
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help source
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help stack
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help status
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help support
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help target
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help unset
FAIL: gdb.base/help.exp: help user-defined
FAIL: gdb.base/ifelse.exp: replace define with if .. else with empty body (crashed)
FAIL: gdb.base/included.exp: list integer
FAIL: gdb.base/included.exp: info variables integer
FAIL: gdb.base/maint.exp: help maint print
FAIL: gdb.base/maint.exp: help maint
FAIL: gdb.base/multi-forks.exp: Detach 1
FAIL: gdb.base/multi-forks.exp: Detach 2
FAIL: gdb.base/multi-forks.exp: Detach 3
FAIL: gdb.base/multi-forks.exp: Detach 4
FAIL: gdb.base/nofield.exp: ptype struct empty
FAIL: gdb.base/nofield.exp: ptype union empty_union
FAIL: gdb.base/pending.exp: single pending breakpoint info
FAIL: gdb.base/pending.exp: pending plus real breakpoint info
FAIL: gdb.base/pending.exp: pending plus condition
FAIL: gdb.base/pending.exp: pending disabled
FAIL: gdb.base/pending.exp: pending disabled plus commands
FAIL: gdb.base/pending.exp: multiple pending breakpoints
FAIL: gdb.base/pending.exp: multiple pending breakpoints 2
FAIL: gdb.base/pending.exp: verify pending breakpoint after restart
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: print "abc"
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: print sizeof ("abc")
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: ptype "abc"
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: print \$cvar = "abc"
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: print sizeof (\$cvar)
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: print *&{4,5,6}[1]
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",-1.2df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",1.234567df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",-1.234567df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",1234567.df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",-1234567.df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",1.2E1df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",1.2E10df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",1.2E-10df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Hf\\n",1.2E96df
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",-1.2dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",1.234567890123456dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",-1.234567890123456dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",1234567890123456.dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",-1234567890123456.dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",1.2E1dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",1.2E10dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",1.2E-10dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%Df\\n",1.2E384dd
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",-1.2dl
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",1.234567890123456789012345678901234dl
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",-1.234567890123456789012345678901234dl
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",1234567890123456789012345678901234.dl
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",-1234567890123456789012345678901234.dl
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",1.2E1dl
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",1.2E10dl
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",1.2E-10dl
FAIL: gdb.base/printcmds.exp: printf "%DDf\\n",1.2E6144dl
FAIL: gdb.base/ptype.exp: ptype *&{4,5,6}[1]
FAIL: gdb.base/readline.exp: arrow keys with secondary prompt
FAIL: gdb.base/sepdebug.exp: breakpoint info
FAIL: gdb.base/sepdebug.exp: Temporary breakpoint info
FAIL: gdb.base/set-lang-auto.exp: show lang after having switched back to auto
FAIL: gdb.base/sigaltstack.exp: finish from catch LEAF (the program exited)
FAIL: gdb.base/sigaltstack.exp: finish to throw INNER
FAIL: gdb.base/sigaltstack.exp: finish to catch INNER
FAIL: gdb.base/sigaltstack.exp: finish from catch INNER
FAIL: gdb.base/sigaltstack.exp: finish to OUTER
FAIL: gdb.base/sigaltstack.exp: finish to catch MAIN
FAIL: gdb.base/sigaltstack.exp: finish to MAIN
FAIL: gdb.base/sigstep.exp: finish from handleri; leave handler (hit breakpoint again)
FAIL: gdb.base/sigstep.exp: finish from handleri; leave signal trampoline
FAIL: gdb.base/solib-symbol.exp: foo2 in mdlib
FAIL: gdb.base/solib-weak.exp: run to breakpoint - lib1 nodebug, lib2 nodebug, lib1 first
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path, no rule entered yet
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path from, no rule entered yet
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path, too many arguments
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: unset substitute-path from, no rule entered yet
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: unset substitute-path from, no rule entered yet
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: unset substitute-path, too many arguments
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: set substitute-path, too many arguments
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: set substitute-path, too few arguments
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: set substitute-path, first argument is empty string
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path after all paths added
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path from, after all paths added
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path depuis, after all paths added
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path garbage, after all paths added
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path from
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path after from rule removed
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: unset substitute-path from after the rule was removed
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path after depuis rule removed
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path after empty rule removed
FAIL: gdb.base/subst.exp: show substitute-path after all remaining rules removed
FAIL: gdb.base/trace-commands.exp: show trace-commands says off
FAIL: gdb.base/trace-commands.exp: source -v (pattern 1)
FAIL: gdb.base/trace-commands.exp: show trace-commands says on
FAIL: gdb.base/trace-commands.exp: simple trace-commands test
FAIL: gdb.base/trace-commands.exp: nested trace-commands test (pattern 1)
FAIL: gdb.base/trace-commands.exp: define user command (pattern 1 + sentinel)
FAIL: gdb.base/trace-commands.exp: nested trace-commands test with source (pattern 1)
FAIL: gdb.base/trace-commands.exp: depth resets on error part 1 (pattern 1)
FAIL: gdb.base/trace-commands.exp: depth resets on error part 2
FAIL: gdb.base/type-opaque.exp: empty struct type resolving
FAIL: gdb.base/type-opaque.exp: empty union type resolving
FAIL: gdb.base/unload.exp: single pending breakpoint info
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint on invalid thread
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint on shared variable
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: info breakpoint 3
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 1 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 1 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 2 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 2 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 3 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 3 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 4 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 4 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 5 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 5 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 6 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 6 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 7 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 7 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 8 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 8 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 9 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 9 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Watchpoint triggered iteration 10 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watch_thread_num.exp: Check thread that triggered iteration 10 (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.base/watchpoint-solib.exp: continue to foo
FAIL: gdb.base/watchpoint-solib.exp: set watchpoint on g
FAIL: gdb.base/watchpoint.exp: watch *global_ptr
FAIL: gdb.base/watchpoint.exp: next over ptr init
FAIL: gdb.base/watchpoint.exp: next over buffer set
FAIL: gdb.base/whatis-exp.exp: whatis value of x+y
FAIL: gdb.base/whatis-exp.exp: whatis value of x-y
FAIL: gdb.base/whatis-exp.exp: whatis value of x*y
FAIL: gdb.cp/annota2.exp: continue to exit
FAIL: gdb.cp/annota2.exp: annotate-quit
FAIL: gdb.cp/annota3.exp: first run until main breakpoint (pattern 7)
FAIL: gdb.cp/annota3.exp: second run until main breakpoint (pattern 6)
FAIL: gdb.cp/classes.exp: print Bar::z
FAIL: gdb.cp/classes.exp: print &Foo::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/classes.exp: ptype Bar::z
FAIL: gdb.cp/classes.exp: ptype &Bar::z
FAIL: gdb.cp/cp-relocate.exp: C++ functions have different addresses
FAIL: gdb.cp/cp-relocate.exp: info file
FAIL: gdb.cp/formatted-ref.exp: print/x s (prints just address)
FAIL: gdb.cp/formatted-ref.exp: print/x e (prints just address)
FAIL: gdb.cp/formatted-ref.exp: print/x i (prints just address)
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_A.A::a
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_A.A::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_B.A::a
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_B.A::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_B.B::b
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_B.B::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_C.A::a
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_C.A::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_C.C::c
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_C.C::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_D.A::a
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_D.A::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_D.B::b
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_D.B::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_D.C::c
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_D.C::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_D.D::d
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_D.D::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.A::a
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.A::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.B::b
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.B::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.C::c
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.C::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.D::d
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.D::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.E::e
FAIL: gdb.cp/inherit.exp: ptype g_E.E::x
FAIL: gdb.cp/maint.exp: help maintenance cplus
FAIL: gdb.cp/maint.exp: help maint cp
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-ctor.exp: set-breakpoint at ctor
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-ctor.exp: set-breakpoint at ctor
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-ctor.exp: run to breakpoint 2
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-ctor.exp: run to breakpoint 3
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-ctor.exp: run to breakpoint 4 (the program is no longer running)
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-ctor.exp: run to exit (the program is no longer running)
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-inline.exp: set breakpoint
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-inline.exp: run to breakpoint
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-inline.exp: run to breakpoint 2
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-inline.exp: disabling location: run to breakpoint
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-templates.exp: initial condition: set breakpoint
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-templates.exp: initial condition: run to breakpoint 2
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-templates.exp: separate condition: set breakpoint
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-templates.exp: separate condition: run to breakpoint 2
FAIL: gdb.cp/mb-templates.exp: disabling location: run to breakpoint
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: ptype pmi (A::j)
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print diamond_pmi
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print diamond.*diamond_pmi
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print diamond.*left_pmf
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print diamond.*right_pmf
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print (diamond.*left_pmf) ()
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print (diamond.*right_pmf) ()
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print diamond.*left_vpmf
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print diamond.*right_vpmf
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print (diamond.*left_vpmf) ()
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print (diamond.*left_base_vpmf) ()
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print (diamond.*right_vpmf) ()
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print left_vpmf
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print right_vpmf
FAIL: gdb.cp/member-ptr.exp: print base_vpmf
FAIL: gdb.cp/method2.exp: breaking in method (c)
FAIL: gdb.cp/ovldbreak.exp: breakpoint info (after setting one-by-one)
FAIL: gdb.cp/ovldbreak.exp: breakpoint info (after cancel)
FAIL: gdb.cp/ovldbreak.exp: breakpoint info (after setting on all)
FAIL: gdb.cp/printmethod.exp: print virtual method.
FAIL: gdb.cp/printmethod.exp: print nonvirtual method.
FAIL: gdb.cp/ref-params.exp: print value of f1 on (Child&) in main
FAIL: gdb.cp/ref-params.exp: print value of f1 on Child& in f2
FAIL: gdb.cp/ref-params.exp: print mf1(MQ)
FAIL: gdb.cp/ref-params.exp: print f1(MQR)
FAIL: gdb.cp/ref-params.exp: print mf1(MQR)
FAIL: gdb.cp/ref-params.exp: print mf2(MQR)
FAIL: gdb.cp/templates.exp: destructor_breakpoint (timeout)
FAIL: gdb.cp/templates.exp: value method breakpoint
FAIL: gdb.cp/userdef.exp: print &*c
FAIL: gdb.cp/userdef.exp: ptype &*c
FAIL: gdb.cp/virtfunc.exp: step through thunk into E::vg
FAIL: gdb.mi/gdb701.exp: create fooPtr
FAIL: gdb.mi/gdb792.exp: create var for class A
FAIL: gdb.mi/gdb792.exp: create var for class C which has baseclass A
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-break.exp: insert temp breakpoint at basics.c:\$line_callee3_head
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-break.exp: insert temp breakpoint at "<fullfilename>":\$line_callee4_head
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-break.exp: breakpoint at nonexistent function
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-break.exp: create varobj for function call
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-file.exp: request path info of current source file (basics.c)
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-pending.exp: MI pending breakpoint on pendfunc1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-pending.exp: Run till MI pending breakpoint on pendfunc1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-simplerun.exp: insert breakpoint at basics.c:\$line_callee3_head
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-simplerun.exp: insert breakpoint at "<fullfilename>":\$line_callee4_head
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-stack.exp: stack frame listing 1 300
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-stack.exp: stack args listing 1 1 300
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-block.exp: create local variable cb
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-block.exp: create local variable foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-block.exp: create local variable inner_foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-block.exp: create local variable foo2
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-child-f.exp: create local variable array
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-child.exp: create local variable struct_declarations
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-child.exp: create local variable weird
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-child.exp: create local variable weird->int_ptr_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-child.exp: create local variable  psnp->char_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-child.exp: create local variable  psnp->long_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-child.exp: create local variable  psnp->ptrs
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-child.exp: create varobj for s
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create global variable
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable linteger
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpinteger
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lcharacter
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpcharacter
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable llong
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lplong
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lfloat
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpfloat
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable ldouble
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpdouble
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lsimple
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpsimple
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create local variable func
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create lsimple.character
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create lsimple->integer
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create lsimple.integer
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: update all vars: lsimple and others changed
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create global variable array_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create i
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create l
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create selected_a
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create varobj for v1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create varobj for v2
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: update varobjs: nothing changed
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: check V2: 5
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: update V2 explicitly
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: update varobjs: nothing changed
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: check V1.i: 1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: check V1.nested.j: 2
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: check V1.nested.k: 3
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: update V1.nested.j
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: check V1.i: 1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: check V1.nested.k: 3
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: update V1.nested
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: check V1.i: 1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: update V1.i
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: create null_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: create varobj for rx
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: check RX: expect 167
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: check RX: expect 567
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: update RX (3)
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: create varobj for s2
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: check S2.S.public.i
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: check S2.S.public.j
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: create varobj for rptr_s
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: list public child of RPTR
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: list children of reference to pointer
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: check i member
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: check j member
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: create varobj for s
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: create varobj for s
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: check attributes of R
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: -var-update should not list structure varobjs
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: create varobj for ip
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: create varobj for dp
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: create varobj for d
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-cp.exp: create varobj for array
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable bar
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable bar
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable bar
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable weird
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.integer
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.character
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.char_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.long_int
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.int_ptr_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.long_array
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr_struct
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.u1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.s2
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable u
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable anonu
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable s
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable anons
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable e
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable anone
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: eval variable anone
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create local variable a1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: create variable a2 in different scope
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-invalidate.exp: create global variable
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-invalidate.exp: create local variable linteger
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-var-invalidate.exp: linteger not anymore in scope due to binary changes
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-break.exp: insert temp breakpoint at basics.c:\$line_callee3_head
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-break.exp: insert temp breakpoint at "<fullfilename>":\$line_callee4_head
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-file.exp: request path info of current source file (basics.c)
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-simplerun.exp: insert breakpoint at basics.c:\$line_callee3_head
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-simplerun.exp: insert breakpoint at "<fullfilename>":\$line_callee4_head
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-stack.exp: stack frame listing 1 300
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-stack.exp: stack args listing 1 1 300
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-block.exp: create local variable cb
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-block.exp: create local variable foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-block.exp: create local variable inner_foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-block.exp: create local variable foo2
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: create local variable struct_declarations
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: create local variable weird
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: create local variable weird->int_ptr_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: create local variable  psnp->char_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: create local variable  psnp->long_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: create local variable  psnp->ptrs
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create global variable
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable linteger
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpinteger
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lcharacter
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpcharacter
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable llong
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lplong
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lfloat
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpfloat
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable ldouble
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpdouble
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lsimple
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable lpsimple
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create local variable func
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create lsimple.character
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create lsimple->integer
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create lsimple.integer
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: update all vars: lsimple and others changed
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create i
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create l
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-cmd.exp: create selected_a
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable bar
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable bar
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable bar
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable foo
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable weird
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.integer
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.character
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.char_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.long_int
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.int_ptr_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.long_array
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr_struct
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.func_ptr_ptr
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.u1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: set format variable weird.s2
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable u
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable anonu
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable s
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable anons
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable e
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable anone
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: eval variable anone
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create local variable a1
FAIL: gdb.mi/mi2-var-display.exp: create variable a2 in different scope
FAIL: gdb.modula2/unbounded-array.exp: print the last legal element of array a
FAIL: gdb.modula2/unbounded-array.exp: print unbounded array contents
FAIL: gdb.threads/fork-child-threads.exp: next over fork
FAIL: gdb.threads/fork-child-threads.exp: get to the spawned thread
FAIL: gdb.threads/fork-child-threads.exp: two threads found
FAIL: gdb.threads/thread_check.exp: breakpoint at tf
FAIL: gdb.threads/thread_events.exp: continue to threadfunc with messages disabled (saw 1, expected 0)
FAIL: gdb.threads/thread_events.exp: continue to after_join_func with messages disabled (saw 1, expected 0)
FAIL: gdb.threads/threadapply.exp: go down and check selected frame
FAIL: gdb.trace/tracecmd.exp: 1.0: help tracepoints
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-arch.exp: set tdesc filename tdesc-arch.xml (first architecture)
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-arch.exp: set tdesc filename tdesc-arch.xml (second architecture)
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-arch.exp: show architecture (second architecture)
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-arch.exp: set tdesc filename tdesc-arch.xml (invalid architecture)
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-errors.exp: set tdesc filename gdb.xml/tdesc-bogus.xml
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-errors.exp: set tdesc filename gdb.xml/tdesc-unknown.xml
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-regs.exp: set tdesc file single-reg.xml
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-xinclude.exp: set tdesc filename gdb.xml/includes.xml
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-xinclude.exp: set tdesc filename gdb.xml/bad-include.xml
FAIL: gdb.xml/tdesc-xinclude.exp: set tdesc filename gdb.xml/loop.xml
sum: 638

-- Markus Deuling GNU Toolchain for Linux on Cell BE

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